Easter is a season of celebrations. And just like Christmas, Easter Cards are also a wonderful way to express your creativity and also share the season’s greetings. Especially, Kids should do Easter cards. It’ll make them know their festivals better and also they’ll feel so good that they were able to make something on their own. It really boosts a child’s self-confidence, when he/she is able to do something all by themselves. Card making is one such wonderful activity that keeps your little munchkins engaged and also happy.
For Easter card ideas they can always use the quinissential Easter themes as an inspirations, like the Easter Eggs, Ester bunnies and Easter chicks. And they can even make some cute bunnies or Eggs just with the help of paper and paint or cardboard and glue. Here, I have listed down some of the best DIY Easter card ideas, check them out.
Beautiful DIY Easter Card Ideas
1. Blessed Easter Card.

Pic source clickychickcreates.com
2. Bunny Easter Card.

Pic source mypoppet.com.au
3. Easter Bunny Card.

Pic source creabeacards.com
4. Easter Bunny Shaped Card.

Pic source jennifergracecreates.com
5. Easter Card Made 3 Ways.

Pic source thepapercurator.com
6. Easter Card.

Pic source claireabellemakes.com
7. Easter Egg Accordion Flip Card.

Pic source extremepapercrafting.com
8. Easter Egg Card.

Pic source allthingspaper.net
9. Easter Egg Tree Card.

Pic source creabeacards.com
10. Easter Eggs with A Rock Stamp.

Pic source waffleflower.com
11. Easy Easter Bunny Punch Card.

Pic source blog.craft-e-corner.com
12. Easy Easter Cards.

Pic source northstory.ca
13. Fun Bunny Easter Card.

Pic source thenshemade.com
14. Hidden Easter Eggs Card.

Pic source instructables.com
15. Washi Tape Easter Card.

Pic source oheverythinghandmade.com