I know you love stones. Stones are an excellent way to decorate your home. When we are decorating our homes and especially our gardens then these stones are incredibly amazing. There are so many garden projects which you can achieve with stones. Some of the best projects you can do in your garden are with stones.
Whether you are a beginner or whether you are someone who has lots of experience in gardening then you’d know that there are some excellent projects which you can do in your garden. You can start with decorating with sticks and stones. You can use a bundle of branches to make a garden post and you can keep stones over them to keep it decorated.
You can also make gabions. Wondering what are gabions? Basically, gabions are a container which is made of wire mesh or fences and then they are filled with some materials to give them some stability. You can fill it with rocks and you can use it as a decorative column. You can either use it as a table or bench. There are many ways to decorate your garden with stones. These ideas will help you out.
To view the full instructions for any of these garden projects with stone, please follow the link below the picture.
Garden Projects with Stones
1. Beloved little animals!

Pic Source & Instruction- A Mom’s Take
2. Checkers Game.

Pic Source & Instruction- MH & MH Boutique
3. DIY stacked rock fountain.

Pic Source & Instruction- Instructables
4. Melted Crayon Rocks.

Pic Source & Instruction- Red Ted Art
5. Owl Painted Rock Art.

Pic Source & Instruction- Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls
6. Painted Rock Garden Markers.

Pic Source & Instruction- Crafts by Amanda
7. Standard downspout with a rain chain.

Pic Source & Instruction- Dollar Store Crafts
8. Stepping stones are a wonderful way.

Pic Source & Instruction- Flickr
9. Stone birdhouses are a wonderful addition.

Pic Source & Instruction- Empress of Dirt
10. Stone Heart.

Pic Source & Instruction-Practik Ideas
11. Your kids will totally love this project.

Pic Source & Instruction- NellieBellie
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