Teenage is a spooky time in itself. I mean, every teenager understands this once they grow up and mature! DIY Halloween costumes for teenage girls have to be something out of the ordinary. They are the Generation Z fashionistas and nothing short of the latest trend works for them.
DIY Halloween costumes for teenage girls include costumes from movies and stories. If you are shopping for Halloween costumes for teenage girls, then it’s always better to go with the latest trends as more than most times, the most recent outfits are what a teenage girl wants.
When it comes to spooky makeup then they themselves know the best. Today modern makeup has allowed the luxury to try out anything and also remove it with the least hassle.
If you want some inspiration for Halloween Costumes for teenagers then you’ve come just to the right place.
Check out some Halloween costumes for teenage girls here.
Popular Halloween Costumes for Teenage Girls
#1 Target + Starbucks

pic source: kbutmaddietho.tumblr.com
#2 The Wrong Miss Universe

pic source: totalsororitymove.com
#3 Paper Doll Halloween costume

pic source: brassyapple.com
#4 Biker Chick
Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#5 Cute Cheerleader

Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#6 Error 404 Costume
Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#7 Mad Hatter

Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#8 M AND M

Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#9 Scarecrow Girl

Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#10 Wonder Woman

Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#11 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle

Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#12 No Sew Minion

Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#13 Baymax

Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#14 Hippie

Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#15 Thing-1 Thing-2

Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#16 Lilo

Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#17 Agnes

Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#18 Unicorn-2

Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#19 Creepy Stretched Lips Make-up

Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#20 Neytiri Avatar Halloween Make-up

Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#21 Clown Makeup Tutorial

Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#22 Cheshire Cat Makeup

Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#23 Harley Quinn Batman Makeup Body Paint

Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#24 The Joker Makeup

Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#25 The Purge Makeup

Get the tutorials at youtube.com
#26 Pop Art Girl Halloween Costume

Get the tutorials at vanillaandvelvet.com
#27 Bariloche.

pic source pinterest.com
#28 Baseball player costume.

pic source camillestyles.com
#29 Bat costume with umbrella wings.

Get the tutorials Evil Mad Scientist
#30 Candy Corn Dress.

Get the tutorials koala romper
#31 Captain Jack Sparrow or Elizabeth Swan.

pic source sarahforshaw.wordpress.com
#32 Carmen Sandiego Costume.

pic source Stars + Field
#33 DIY baby hamburger costume.

Get the tutorials Please Note
#34 DIY friend Halloween costumes.

pic source pinterest.com
#35 DIY Jelly Belly Bean fancy dress costume.

pic source pinterest.com
#36 DIY jellyfish costume.

pic source On The Kattwalk
#37 DIY mummy costume for Halloween!

pic source pinterest.com
#38 DIY Pineapple costume.

pic source pinterest.com
#39 DIY Rapunzel costume.

pic source pinterest.com
#40 Emma as jelly beans.

pic source pinterest.com
#41 Esmeralda.

pic source pinterest.com
#42 Fake news costume.

pic source pinterest.com
#43 French mime costume.

pic source dresscorilynn.com
#44 Gumball Machine Costume.

pic source pinterest.com
#45 Halloween Costumes Jelly Beans.

pic source pinterest.com
#46 Happy Halloween from the sun and the moon.

pic source instagram.com
#47 Jelly Belly Bean fancy dress costume.

pic source pinterest.com
#48 Jelly Belly Halloween Costume.

pic source pinterest.com
#49 Mermaid costume.

pic source acoest1984.com
#50 Moana Cosplay.

pic source imgur.com
#51 Olaf from Frozen.

pic source pinterest.com
#52 Olaf-inspired teen costume for homecoming week!

pic source pinterest.com
#53 Powerpuff Girls.

pic source pinterest.com
#54 Rapunzel and Pascal.

pic source pinterest.com
#55 Ride or DIE.

pic source instagram.com
#56 Rosie the Riveter.

Get the tutorials jeana.d
#57 Spongebob Squarepants and Patrick Star.

pic source pinterest.com
#58 Super funny Disney costumes friends idea.

pic source instagram.com
#59 Where's Waldo's costume?

pic source dresscorilynn.com
#60 Whinnies the Pooh Halloween character costumes.

pic source pinterest.com
#61 Winnie Pooh Disneybound.

pic source instagram.com
#62 Winnie the Pooh.

pic source instagram.com
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Please share this post with all your friends who are expecting this Halloween! Do you want to show your 'HALLOWEEN COSTUMES' in this list?